Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Why does it take a catastrophic event for the majority us to come together and help others?

Well Judd, it's been a week since you've blogged...SO...Here I am. It has been a busy week, especially for Judd. Several trips to the warehouse, many phone calls, arranging transportation of goods, working on getting food and sanitary supplies to Haiti, working a full time job, but most importantly continuing to Feed Hungry Families in Mexico.

It’s been a weird week... rain, rain, rain and than more rain. When I think of the material items we have lost this week, due to the wind and rain it doesn't compare to the loss of life in Mexico due to rains and flooding.

It's heartbreaking when you hear about a child that slipped away down the river never to be found...all because of floods and less than sub-standard living conditions. By less than sub-standard living conditions, I mean some of these families live on the streets, along railroad tracks, in fields or along riverbeds. How dare we complain as we sit in the warmth and comfort of our homes!!!

So why do we complain? I'll tell you why...We are a bunch of Spoiled Brats. We've been so spoiled and very selfish in many ways. I don't mean to dismiss those who work so hard for all they have but come we really need all we have? Why can't people just give a little bit more and take a little less?

Americans in general come together and give in a time of crisis give, as they are doing now for Haiti. This makes me proud to be an American and I am proud of all you that are helping in some way. Yet, how the people of Haiti are surviving today due to the destruction and devastation of the earthquake they experienced 2 weeks ago, we have people not far from here, which live that way everyday and without a natural disaster. So, why don’t we help them more? Ponder this, and let me know what you think!

Well, on a personal note, this has been an extra difficult week for Judd and myself. We endured the pain and loss of our 15 year, 6 weeks, 3-day-old King Doberman Pinscher. He was the best dog and friend anyone could ask for. He loved us with unconditional love; he loved putting smiles on our faces and in our hearts. He was smart, forgiving, and a P.I.T.A. some times too, but we loved him and he loved us. A week ago Monday, the first time ever since we lived in this house a HUGE RAINBOW shinned in front of our home, our Granddaughter was so excited, we love Rainbows and I guess he loved it too, so much that he decided to chase that Rainbow and so he did. He crossed that Rainbow Bridge on Jan.21, 2010. He passed in the peace and comfort of our home; I still can’t believe he is gone. It’s so hard for me as there are just so many memories here, the pain in our hearts is tremendous, and my tears are constant. I know in time, the memory of him will be joyous and I can’t wait for those memories of our boy to become a source of joy in our life.

In the meantime, we will continue the path our Lord has provided for us; love our little doggie, our family, and our friends. Dedicate whatever years we have left to helping the less fortunate in Mexico. Continue our mission to feed who ever we can. We’ll put our pride behind us and ask for your support and donations, because without your help another child goes hungry! Your donations are graciously accepted at HilariousGivers.Org.

Debra ((*.*))


  1. We love you. I am praying for healing of the loss of your lovely dog. Thank you for who you are!

  2. Oh Judd & Debra: I'm so sorry to read about this. Your dog had such a lovely soul!! What a blessing for him - and you - that you had each other.

    That rainbow was beautiful, wasn't it??

    I'll be down soon. Maybe in a few minutes. Are you home?! :)

  3. Thanks for your visit today, even if you were missing one child! I needed your visit more than you can imanage know and the goodies were a super bonus, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!
    Not good for my new re-inventing the ll
    Oh Henry..Delicious .

  4. First: Tonight, Carolyn drew a picture of you - a stick figure with long flowing hair, and a little stick figure dog on a leash, and then she BEGGED me for over an hour to go visit with you again. And we would have, if it wasn't her bedtime.

    Second: Charlie and I just finished watching "Hearing Everett." Oh my goodness, what an amazing movie. It gave me the chills! Thanks to Judd for loaning it to us - we'll give it back to you next time we meet up!

    Third: I hope you are feeling better this week. Time and prayer heals all wounds. And O'Henry's can certainly help speed the process!

  5. We had such a great time with you guys and the Good Lord knows we needed the distraction.

    We love your children, they are just adorable, fun and smart! God has truely Blessed you with them and them Terrific Parents. Oh, by the way, Saint Anthony came through!
