Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Midweek musings

I visited our new warehouse location yesterday - and I'm stoked! The level of receipts and deliveries got to the point that we were interfering with the operations at Miramar Transportation, who is the generous donor of our San Diego warehouse space. So, we have been given a new space (near where our stuff used to be stored) where we won't be underfoot. Chris, the warehouse manager, has done a masterful job of building shelving and setting aside space for us to handle our donations. We won't have to struggle with the TSA regulatory requirements, that means we can actually have our volunteers in the warehouse assembling loads of food and other goodies for shipment to the kids! I know - this all sounds mundane. But it's major. We couldn't even come close to paying for the space, manpower and transportation involved, and this is a step forward. There's nothing exciting about logistics, but there sure is something exciting about the gratitude of the kids we feed and the tireless missionaries we supply.
Speaking of missionaries, I got a message from an angel in Rosarito who helps us feed hundreds of working poor families, Cindy Pesina. Christmas is a little different along the railroad tracks and in the migrant camps in the hills of northern Baja. Cindy posted "It's really humbling when people win a raffle and choose soap or toothpaste as their prize!" So, of course, Debra found a source of donated soap and shampoo and we have been working with them (in Florida) to get a supply for our kids. It's a done deal as of yesterday - all the soap we want, but we have to pick up the tab for shipping. We'll raise a few hundred dollars to finish the deal, but we're going to be able to help some impoverished mommies keep their kids clean and healthy.

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