Monday, December 21, 2009

NINOS DE NATIVIDAD, Maneadero, Baja Mexico December 19th 2009

How lucky are we?

Well, it’s that time of year again, the hustle and bustle of the Christmas Season. We, Hilarious Givers, awoke early Saturday morning to travel south across the US Border into Mexico with our church group and other caring people for the event” Ninos De Natividad” which our church holds as an annually. It’s a big event for everyone.

How lucky are we? Funny you should ask.

Spend a day with the Mixteco Indians in Maneadero, MX, at an orphanage, or with the children working in the fields and you’ll soon realize how lucky we are. No, I take that back, you’ll recognize how “Blessed” we are.

Picture your life with no running water, having to use a communal “out house” which consist of a hole in the ground, no toilet paper, sleeping on the ground, in a hut made out of blankets, cardboard and some blue plastic tarps if you’re lucky.

Speaking of luck, if you are lucky enough to have something to cook, let’s see, you would get a fire started…on the ground of course with some sticks or what ever you have to burn.
You bathe in the dirty water you washed your dirty clothes in or your cooking utensils in. Life is not easy for the Mixteco Indians.

So for a few hours a group of Americans pull together, load our vehicles up, crossing the International Border with thousands of toys, some clothing, food. We'll provide live music, give them a hot meal and a message that God loves them.

Then we head back to the United States, wait on line sometimes for many hours to cross the US Border, Ugh! We finally make it home, and the kitchen light is burnt out, or the toilet bowl clogs, or it rains…

So how Lucky or Blessed are we?

Let’s see, we drove in a pretty comfy vehicle to Maneadero, Mexico and the views were spectacular. We have a place to call home, clean running water, electric, cars, phones, televisions, computers, we don’t have to work in fields with our babies tied to our back for hours on end (although it may feel that way at times!), we have child labor laws and the list goes on.

So once again I ask; how Lucky or Blessed are we?

Next time you think you have it so bad, think of those poor Mixteco Indians, the Orphans, the 2 or 3 year olds working in the fields, the homeless, the Seniors which have been cast away in Mexico, better yet, go with us on our next venture into the Land of the Poor and I guarantee you this experience will definitely change your life, hopefully forever! I know my life has been changed.

Just doing his work,

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