Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Here it starts.

O.K. I'm being dragged inexorably into the 21st century.

Starting a Web Log. Or, in the vernacular, a 'Blog'. Sounds like something on the sidewalk you avoid stepping in.

How 'bout we call it a 'celebration' instead?

Imagine that you felt led to reach out and help a hungry child. A child who lives just a short distance from where you live, except this kid sleeps in the dirt at night, or curled up in a doorway. Not too far from the city dump, because that's where she's going in the morning for breakfast. Or perhaps she is a little more fortunate, and has a tortilla in the morning. Corn meal. Lard. Salt. That's it.

But continuing with our imagination, we're touched to help feed this precious child. And the food we're going to feed her is not even food we've paid for, it's given to us for the kids.

Now, if you accepted that invitation, if you took that donated food and filled the empty stomach of a hungry child, you'd feel pretty good about yourself, wouldn't you?

Multiply that good feeling by 4,000 kids, and by 365 days of the year. Now how do you feel?

That's EXACTLY how Debra and I feel while fulfilling our calling to Hilarious Givers. That's what we mean by finding fulfillment in our lives by giving with wholehearted joy. That's what St. Paul meant when he said 'The Lord loves a cheerful (hilarious) giver'.

You're welcome to join the adventure! Follow this Blog celebration during the months to come, check out our website (http://www.hilariousgivers.org/ - shameless plug), get on our mailing list. Pray for us. Volunteer to help. If you can't volunteer, write a check. But share with us the pure joy that comes from selfless giving.

Blessings to you all!


  1. Very nice - you are off to a great start!!

    Merry Christmas!

  2. We're trying! Thank You and Have yourself a Merry Little... oh never mind ;o)

    Merry Christmas!
