Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Answered Prayers

June has been an awesome month. I know - I say that every month. What can I say? We have been blessed with tons of food to give out to needy kids, and hundreds of volunteers to give it out. Generous corporate sponsors keep donating warehouse space and trucking, not to mention manpower. Debra and I keep things together on the home front because I have a reliable job (a mixed blessing, but a blessing none the less). How could it get any better?

A few months ago I had a chat with the director of one of our supported missions. When the subject turned to school for the kids, he related that it was a real challenge, because although school is mandatory for kids in Mexico, the reality is that they can't attend unless they have uniforms, and many, if not most of the families he supports just can't afford to buy school uniforms. So the kids stay home or work in the fields - a tough reality. Of course, Hilarious Givers is primarily a feeding ministry and a serving ministry, not a school-clothes-providing-and-teaching ministry. Or so I thought.

Then, a brother from our church offered the inventory from a store that had gone out of business as a donation. He said there were lots of kid's clothes, among a lot of other stuff. Debra and I visited him last week to see what was being offered. Sure enough, there was lots and lots of stuff. Clothes, t-shirts, jeans, shoes and undies, most in kids' sizes. And miscellaneous goods like baby oil, shampoo, backpacks, and dolls. Oh, and school uniforms. Lots of school uniforms. About 60, he thinks. Both black and white and blue and white - the colors kids wear to school in Mexico. (Are you reading this, Greg?) So now we have to arrange cartage and volunteers to sort - but the bottom line is that dozens of kids who would be working in the fields or just staying home this autumn will instead be attending school, and helping to break the cycle of dependency in which they are now enmeshed. Very cool. We took a few boxes with us for the planned trip south the following day - some baby oil, shampoo and a few other items.

Some weeks ago Debra discovered a non-profit in Florida that recycles bath soap from hotels. http://cleantheworld.org/ After some push-and-shove, and the support of friends and a church near the warehouse in Florida, and donated cartage, and all the rest, we received a pallet of brand-new bars of bath soap. Not the skinny kind from Motel 6, but nice, fragrant hand-sized bars of bath soap.

We visited an orphanage near where we live on Sunday, just outside the Mexican town of Tecate. This home had been suggested as a candidate to be sponsored by a church we are helping to establish an orphans outreach. We were hosted by Pepe, the adult son of the founder of the Children's Home. We had a great time making new friends, connecting the U.S. church with the orphange, playing a few games with the kids, and just "puttin' the love on" the precious children. Of course, we had a few hundred pounds of food to give them, but we saved that bit of information until the end.

I chatted with Pepe, and described the Hilarious Givers ministry. Of course, he was grateful to be asked to become one of our sponsored programs. His kids are well-fed, but donations have dropped off recently, and whatever we can do to help would be appreciated. But, he went on, what the kids really need today is soap. And baby oil. And shampoo.

When we opened the back of the truck and started unloading food, we soon came to the cases of soap and baby oil and shampoo. I don't think I will ever forget Pepe's beaming face as he exclaimed "Mira! Jabon! Aceiti de bebe! Champu!" (Look! Soap! Baby Oil! Shampoo!) So we not only filled their pantry, but were able to be the hand of God in answering a prayer.

So, once again I'm given a lesson in humility. My plan is to feed kids. But God has so much more in mind for me. And he keeps reminding me.

When you ask if your prayers are going to be answered, the question is not well phrased.  Your prayers are answered before they ever spring to your mind. Pepe's prayer for sanitation supplies were answered weeks ago, when Debra was touched by the soap salvage ministry. Greg's prayer for school uniforms was met when the business closed and its inventory went to storage. My prayer for the means to support my family and fulfill our mission has been answered - I just don't yet know what that answer is.

I will answer them before they even call to me. While they are still talking to me about their needs, I will go ahead and answer their prayers!
Isaiah 65:24 (NLT)

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